Agricultural Sciences Campus - Petrolina - PE.


20/09/2021 - Ohio State University awards Univasf with Global Partnership Award in commemoration of Global One Health initiative (GOHi) 10th Anniversary. The partnership involves PPGCVS professors (Prof. Alexandre Redson, Prof. Mauricio Horta, e Prof. Mateus Matiuzzi). Read here the full article (in portuguese), and watch the ceremony video in GOHi website.

06/08/2021 - Releasing of the Admission Process Final Results - 2021.2. For further information, check "Admission".

05/07/2021 - Releasing of the Admission Process Notice for new studentes to the Postgradute Course of Veterinary Sciences in Semiarid, starting in august 2021. Registration will start at 6th until 28/07/21 . For further information, check the Admission Notice (in Portuguese) or in "Admission".

05/10/2018 - The Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Sciences in the Semiarid approves its Doctoral course. It is the first Doctoral course at Univasf, together with the Doctoral Program in Materials Science. The first class is scheduled to begin in March 2019. Read here the full article (in portuguese).

20/09/2017 - The Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Sciences in the Semiarid receives Concept Grade of 4 in the 2013-2016 Quadrennial Assessment by Capes. Three other graduate programs at Univasf also obtained the same concept grade. Read here the full article (in portuguese).

09/07/2014 -
Prof. Leonardo Barros Ribeiro, from Univasf's Biological Sciences Collegiate and also Supervisor in the Postgraduate Course of Veterinary Sciences in Semiarid (Masters), realesed his new book "Guide to the Herpetofauna of Univasf".


Conteúdo © 2013-2021 Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias no Semiárido



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