Agricultural Sciences Campus - Petrolina - PE.


Permanent Researchers:

Professor Alexandre Coutinho Antonelli
Associate Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (FMVZ-USP/1998); Residency in Large Animal Medicine and Surgery (FMVZ-USP/2000); M.Sc. in Veterinary Clinics (FMVZ-USP/2003); Ph.D. in Veterinary Clinics (FMVZ-USP/2007)

Professor Alexandre Redson Soares da Silva
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFCG-Patos/2004); Residency in Veterinary Radiology (FMVA-UNESP-Araçatuba/2007); M.Sc. in Animal Science (FMVA-UNESP-Araçatuba/2009); Ph.D. in Animal Biotechnology (FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu/2014)

Professor Daniel Ribeiro Menezes
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFBA/2003); M.Sc. in Animal Science in the Tropics (UFBA/2006); Ph.D. in Animal Science (UFPB/2011)

Professor David Ramos da Rocha
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: Major in Animal Science (UFC/2005); M.Sc. in Animal Science (UFC/2008); Ph.D. in Animal Science (UFC/2013)

Professor Durval Barauna Júnior
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFBA/2001); Residency in Small Animal Surgery (UEL/2004); M.Sc. in Veterinary Science (UFRPE/2006); Ph.D. in Veterinary Science (UFRPE/2016)

Professor Francesca Silva Dias Nobre
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFV/2006); M.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine (UFF/2008); Ph.D. in Agricultural Microbiology (UFLA/2011)

Professor Gisele Veneroni Gouveia
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: Major in Biology (UFMS/2004); M.Sc. in Genetics and Evolution (UFSCAR/2007); Ph.D. in Science (UFSCAR/2010)

Professor Guilherme José Bolzani de Campos Ferreira
Associate Professor - UFPI
Background: D.V.M. (FIFEOB/2002); M.Sc. in Domestic and Wild Animal Anatomy (FMVZ-USP/2005); Ph.D. in Domestic and Wild Animal Anatomy (FMVZ-USP/2007)

Professor João José de Simoni Gouveia
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UECE/2005); M.Sc. in Genetics and Evolution (UFSCAR/2008); Ph.D. in Animal Science (UFC/2013)

Professor Leonardo Barros Ribeiro
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: Major in Biology (UFJF/2003); M.Sc. in Biology - Zoology (UFJF/2006); Ph.D. in Psychobiology (UFRN/2010); Pos-Doc (UFRN/2010-2011)

Professor Maria Helena Tavares de Matos
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UECE/2001); M.Sc. in Reproduction and Animal Health (UECE/2003); Ph.D. in Reproduction and Animal Health (UECE/2007)

Professor Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa
Associate Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFSM/2000); M.Sc. in Cellular and Molecular Biology (UFRGS/2002); Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology (UFRGS/2007)

Professor Mauricio Claudio Horta
Associate Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UNIP/1998); Residency in Preventive Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ-USP/2000); M.Sc. in Experimental Epidemiology Applied to Zoonoses (FMVZ-USP/2002); Ph.D. in Experimental Epidemiology Applied to Zoonoses (FMVZ-USP/2006); Pos-Doc (FMVZ-USP/2006-2008)

Professor Rafael Torres de Souza Rodrigues
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (Univasf/2010); M.Sc. in Animal Sciences (Univasf/2013); Ph.D. in Animal Science (UFLA/2016)

Professor Raimundo Campos Palheta Junior
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFRA/2003); M.Sc. in Pharmacology (UFC/2006); Ph.D. in Pharmacology (UFC/2010)

Professor Rodolfo de Moraes Peixoto
Professor - IF Sertão PE
Background: D.V.M. (UFRPE/2007); M.Sc. in Animal Sciences (Univasf/2009); Ph.D. in Tropical Animal Sciences (UFRPE/2014)

Dr. Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini
Researcher "A" - EMBRAPA Semiarid
Background: Major in Animal Science (UEM/2000); Ph.D. in Animal Sciences and Pastures (ESALQ-USP/2006)

Collaboratings Researchers:

Professor Ana Catarina Luscher Albinati
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UFBA/2001); M.Sc. in Animal Science in the Tropics (UFBA/2006); Ph.D. in Tropical Animal Science (UFRPE/2016)

Professor Edilson Soares Lopes Júnior
Associate Professor - Univasf
Background: D.V.M. (UECE/2001); M.Sc. in Reproduction and Animal Health (UECE/2003); Ph.D. in Reproduction and Animal Health (UECE/2007)

Professor Hugo Colombarolli Bonfá
Adjunct Professor - Univasf
Background: Major in Animal Science (UFMG/2009); M.Sc. in Animal Science (UFMG/2012); Ph.D. in Animal Science (UFV/2016)

Professor Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida
Associate Professor - Univasf
Background: Major in Pharmacy (UFPB/2001); M.Sc. in Natural and Synthetic Bioactive Products (UFPB/2004) Ph.D. in Natural and Synthetic Bioactive Products (UFPB/2006); Pos-Doc (FM-RP-USP/2013)


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