Area : Veterinary Sciences
This area includes studies that involves anatomy, cytology, histology,
physiology, nutrition, microbiology, parasitology, molecular genetics,
ecology, wildlife management and conservation, geo-referencing,
toxicology, production, reproduction, biotechnological products
and processes associated with improvements in health and well-being
of animals. Collaborate in the area of animal and public health
to understand the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis,
medical or surgical treatment, prevention and control of diseases
in domestic or wild animals in the semi-arid region. The research
lines and projects developed in this area should consolidate research
groups focused on studies related to regional biodiversity, maximizing
the technological development and innovative extension of the natural
resources from the semiarid region.
Lines :
Bioprospecting and Biotechnology applied to Veterinary Medicine
Study the ultrastructure and function of biomolecules and cells
through bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, cultivation and cell
therapy techniques, associating such studies with improvements in
health, welfare and animal production in the Semiarid region. Also
study the microbiota of milk, vegetal and animal bioactive compounds,
as well as basic and applied breeding biotechnologies in order to
maximize the genetic potential of domestic and wild animals. Perform
bioprospecting and study the potential biological activities of
extracts and pure substances from the Caatinga biome applied to
Veterinary Medicine.
Prof. Edilson Soares Lopes Júnior 
Prof. Francesca Silva Dias Nobre
Prof. Gisele Veneroni Gouveia 
Prof. Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida
Prof. João José de Simoni Gouveia

Prof. Maria Helena Tavares de Matos 
Prof. Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa
Prof. Rafael Torres de Souza Rodrigues
Prof. Raimundo Campos Palheta Junior 
2) Animal Morphophysiology and Metabology
It aims to contribute in an integrated way in order to acquiring
knowledge in cellular biology, histology and physiology of domestic
and wild animals. Study animal behavior in face of climatic changes
in the context of its conservation in the semiarid region. Also
study the physiological and metabolic changes influenced by toxic
agents, agroindustrial residues, nutritional challenges and their
interrelations with the health-disease complex.
Prof. Alexandre Coutinho Antonelli 
Prof. Daniel Ribeiro Menezes 
Prof. David Ramos da Rocha 
Prof. Guilherme José Bolzani de Campos Ferreira

Prof. Hugo Colombarolli Bonfá 
Prof. Leonardo Barros Ribeiro 
Prof. Rafael Torres de Souza Rodrigues 
Dr. Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini 
3) Animal Health and Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Extending the epidemiological study of diseases of veterinary importance
in the semiarid region, identifying risk factors associated with
infection in animals and man. Study the etiopathogenesis and clinical
manifestations of the various diseases, traumas or intoxications,
and the interrelation between the diseases causative agents (viruses,
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths and arthropods), their respective
hosts (domestic animals, wild animals and men) and the environment.
Monitor areas of occurrence of pathogens through georeferencing.
To diagnose infectious and parasitic diseases through laboratory
techniques, involving cytology, histology, pharmacology, toxicology,
microbiology, parasitology, immunology, molecular biology and diagnostic
imaging. And study alternatives of treatment with plants from the
caatinga and to evaluate medical or surgical treatments and forms
of prevention and control of diseases of impact for regional development.
Prof. Alexandre Coutinho Antonelli 
Prof. Alexandre Redson Soares da Silva 
Prof. Ana Catarina Luscher Albinati 
Prof. Durval Barauna Júnior
Prof. Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa 
Prof. Mauricio Claudio Horta 
Prof. Rafael Torres de Souza Rodrigues 
Prof. Raimundo Campos Palheta Junior 
Prof. Rodolfo de Moraes Peixoto