Bibliografia recomendada
Siqueira Filho, J. A. & Machado, I. C. S. Biologia reprodutiva de Canistrum aurantiacum e. morren (bromeliaceae) em remanescente da floresta atlântica, nordeste do brasil. Acta bot. bras. 15(3): 427-443. 2001
Leme, E. M. C & Siqueira Filho, J. A. 2001. Studies in Bromeliaceae of Northeastern Brazil – I. Selbyana. 2(2): 146-154.
Baracho, G. S. & Siqueira Filho, J. A. 2004. A new species of Orthophytum from Northeastern Brazil. Vidalia 2 (1): 46-51, 2004.
Siqueira Filho, J. A. & Tabarelli, M. 2004. Current number of populations and ecological attributes of bromeliad species from the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil. Oryx. 2004.
C. Schlindwein, D. Wittmann, C. F. Martins, A. Hamm, J. A. Siqueira1, D. Schiffler, and I. C. Machado. 2005. Pollination of Campanula rapunculus L. (Campanulaceae): How much pollen flows into pollination and into reproduction of oligolectic pollinators. Plant Syst. Evol. 250: 147–156 (2005).
Siqueira Filho, J.A. & Tabarelli, M. 2006. Bromeliad species of the Atlantic forest of north-east Brazil: losses of critical populations of endemic species. Oryx Vol 40 No 2 April 2006
Sobral-Leite, M., Siqueira Filho, J. A., Erbarc C. & Machado, I. C. 2011. Anthecology and reproductive system of Mourera fluviatilis (Podostemaceae): Pollination by bees and xenogamy in a predominantly anemophilous and autogamous family? Aquatic Botany 95 (2011) 77– 87
Espírito Santo, F. S., Maciel, J. R. & Siqueira Filho, J. A. 2012. Impacto da herbivoria por caprinos sobre as populações naturais de Bromelia laciniosa mart. ex schult. f. (bromeliaceae). Revista Árvore, Viçosa-MG, v.36, n.1, p.143-149, 2012
Cruz Silva, M. E. G. et al. 2012. HPLC-DAD analysis and antioxidant activity of Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Fabaceae). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2012, 4(2):1160-1166.