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In the life of boys and girls, there are different situations when there is a shortage of time for study do my essay. After all, to study at a university you have to spend almost all your free time. But if there is any trouble, for the elimination of which you need to spend a certain amount of time, then the students in this case is not up to school. Some even decide to finish their education ahead of schedule at the university due to unforeseen circumstances. But this measure is wrong, because at the moment students can take an academic leave. Let’s take a look at what it is, and all the nuances of decorating vacation academy.

Academic leave: what is it?

This term means the opportunity to make a significant break in the student’s studies. At the same time, he is not expelled from a higher education institution, but simply shifts the curriculum for this student. Of course, later he will have to “catch up” the program planned by the Ministry of Education. But do not think that academic vacations can be taken simply to rest from busy school days. To take the academ holiday, you need a good reason. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a lot of activities in order to make a forced respite in school. If you are caught by some problem, because of which time to study is completely gone, think about the design of the Academic leave.

Academic leave due to pregnancy

There are often cases of pregnancy of female students during the educational process. The girl has every right to take the acadam maternity leave, and to take out the child, while attending classes in parallel. Everything depends directly on the state of health of a female student during pregnancy. After all, there are various complications, because of which daily attendance is a very problematic exercise. It is worth saying that you can take Akadem vacations in the early stages of pregnancy, and also on the final weeks.

In any case, in order to take an academic leave for pregnancy, it is necessary to take a medical certificate from the doctor confirming the pregnancy, as well as a certificate of incapacity for work. After all, if the pregnancy is normal, then there is no need to take a break from studies.

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